Charging stations for electric vehicles certified by Apave Certification

In just a few years, the electric mobility sector has exploded.
EVCI's are springing up all over France.
By 30 June 2023, 99% of motorway service areas on the French motorway network were equipped with electric vehicle charging stations*, with installations on every 50 km on average.
This represents 100,000 operating charging stations.
This rapid expansion is not without risk. To avoid accidents, electric vehicle charging infrastructures - EVCI - must be checked and the charging points must be compliant.
To guarantee the safety and conformity of charging stations, the certification body Apave Certification offers certification of EVCI charging stations in France, Europe and internationally.
Apave Certification is now one of the bodies notified by the IECEE to test and certify this equipment.
Certification of charging stations is a guarantee that the installation complies with safety standards.

What standards does Apave Certification meet?
Apave Certification is notified by the IECEE for the following two standards:
IEC 61851-1:2017, Conductive charging system for electric vehicles - Part 1: General requirements.
IEC 61851-22:2001, Conductive charging system for electric vehicles - Part 22: AC conductive charging points for electric vehicles.
These two standards apply to equipment intended to supply electric vehicles for recharging.
IEC standards enhance competitiveness and economic efficiency and facilitate international trade.
What are the benefits of certifying charging points for electric vehicles?
The testing and certification of charging infrastructures ensures their long-term viability, and is therefore a guarantee of the successful development of electric mobility.
The benefits of certification include:
Safety: certification ensures the electrical safety of users of charging stations and equipment.
Certified charging stations undergo rigorous testing and comply with specific safety standards.
These standards cover both the operation of the power supply system and the connections between the various items of equipment.
This reduces the risk of electrical malfunction, overheating or other potential hazards.
Compliance: the certification process includes checking the compliance of charging stations.
This compliance guarantees that most electric vehicles, regardless of make or model, can be recharged at these stations.
Conformity ensures compliance with the regulations in force, and in particular: safety, electromagnetic compatibility, and radio compatibility where applicable, verified in Sopemea laboratories.
Quality: certification guarantees the quality of the materials used to manufacture the charging stations.
The materials used are checked by our specialists.
Certification means that manufacturers and distributors can demonstrate the conformity of their equipment.
Further information
The Apave Group supports installers, developers, agents, operators and licensees from the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructures through to their operation.
Our experts can analyse the feasibility of your installation project, analyse and assess the conformity of the pre-works technical file, diagnose asbestos and PAHs, polluted sites and soils, coordinate the site's SPS safety, carry out site technical inspections, and check the conformity of your electrical installations.
In addition, they help companies deal with digital risks, in particular to prevent data theft from EVCI users.
Pourquoi choisir Apave ?
The Apave Group supports manufacturers, developers, installers and operators at every stage of the project to install electric vehicle charging infrastructure - EVCI.
- P1, P2, P3 (installer, etc.), MA1 (EVCI maintenance), authorisation to work near networks, accreditation training, etc.
- Electrical compliance inspection (CONSUEL initial inspection), periodic electrical inspection
- Technical support for feasibility analysis upstream of your projects
- Technical support in analysing and approving your technical file prior to construction work
- Support for the Advenir "performance certificate" programme for condominium associations
- Support for the TIRUERT scheme (to obtain renewable energy certificates)
- Testing and certification of charging points