Apave Certification and the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas have just signed a partnership agreement to offer all students of the DU Data Protection Officer (DU DPO) to take the DPO skills certification according to the CNIL reference system.

Students who choose to take this exam will obtain, if they pass, the certificate according to the CNIL reference system.
This voluntary approach constitutes a real passport, a guarantee of reliability and professionalism, on the job market.
Complementary to the diploma obtained at the end of their training in the DU, the certificate issued by Apave Certification will allow the certified to value their RGPD skills according to the reference frames defined by the CNIL in the deliberations N°2018-317 and N°2018-318.
Find out more about the Data Protection Officer skills certification: click here
To know more about the DUDPO training : click here