October 1st : International Day of Older Persons

Declared by the UN in 1990, the International Day of Older Persons marks the commitment of the United Nations to achieving a society for all ages. It is an opportunity to highlight the problems faced by older people. Throughout the senior citizen's journey, Apave Certification makes it a point of honour to ensure the quality of care for seniors at home and in institutions.
- The number of seniors in France is rising sharply
For decades, the life expectancy of French people has been rising steadily. On 1 January 2020, more than one in five people in France (20.5%) will be aged 65 or over. The elderly will be the fastest growing population in the years to come: they will number nearly 20 million in 2030 and nearly 24 million in 2060. (INSEE 27/02/2020)
- The HS2® label : a resolution to combat loss of autonomy at home
To meet the challenges of an ageing population, Apave Certification has developed the HS2® label to enable elderly people who are losing their independence to remain at home for as long as possible. This is made possible by adapting their homes, providing specific equipment and certain services (e.g., proximity to shops, health facilities, cultural areas, green spaces, etc.). The HS2® label aims to adapt and secure homes and the surrounding environment.
Staying at home as long as possible is the wish of 85% of French people. This label allows elderly people to enjoy their home for an additional 3 to 6 years.
- The Bientraitance Label : a commitment to quality care in institutions
Many elderly people with a loss of autonomy move into institutions. The "Bientraitance" label makes it possible to establish a genuine culture of good treatment among the teams in order to preserve the dignity of seniors through training and strict processes.
The quality of care for the elderly is a major social issue, and Apave Certification is involved in it every day.
Apave, which guarantees the safety of people and property, reiterates its commitment to providing a safe and suitable environment for all.