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Apave Certification
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Environmental management system certification: ISO 14001
Occupational health and safety management system certification: ISO 45001
Fusion welding process management system certification: ISO 3834
Certification of your Factory Production Control (FPC) system: EN1090
Food safety management system certification: ISO 22000
Outsourced internal audit
Quality management system certification: ISO 9001
Security management system certification: ISO 18788
Information security management system certification: ISO 27001
Evaluation of Good manufacturing practices for cosmetic products ISO 22716
Evaluation of Good manufacturing practices: Pharmaceuticals
Energy management system certification: ISO 50001
Safety management system certification for adventure tourism service providers: ISO 21101
Quality management system certification in the Aeronautical sector: EN 9100
Quality management system certification for the nuclear sector: ISO 19443
VCA certification
VCU certification
CB certification of electrical products: CB Scheme
CbyApave Certification - Electrical product
CbyApave Certification - Machinery
HS2® - High Health & Safety
Labelix : quality repository in medical imaging
Regulatory certification for loss of the status of waste
Regulatory certification for End of Life Vehicles (ELVs)
Terrom Label: quality assurance system for composts
The Safe & Clean label
Biodiversity Signature Label
Qualiopi certification for training and skills development organizations
C by Apave Équipement: Demonstrate that your equipment is able to fulfil its functions.
CbyApave Spectacle
CSR 26000 overall performance label
HACCP assessment: Guarantee the health security of your production
ISO 15378 certification: Certification of primary packaging materials
Audit Prevention of industrial plastic pellet losses to the environment
Well-treatment Facility Label
The VertVolt Label, a guarantee of the origin of green energy offers
Delegate for the protection and management of personal data in the health field
"Engagement RGPD*" Label
"Attracti’Cité label"
"Friend of the Elderly®" Label
Product Certification for the International Market
Label Habitat Étudiant
Label Apave Sobriété Énergétique
Certification Référent prévention des maltraitances faites aux mineurs
Label Qualité Réactivité - Daniel Moquet
Product Certification for Gulf countries
Certification of external assessors in the social and socio-medical fields
Certification of the aptitude in managing relations with seniors - HS2 Label
Data Protection Officer DPO skills certification
“Mains Power Electrical Installation Repair Technician - 1st & 2nd Level Maintenance” Certification
Certification for operating steam or superheated water boiler rooms
Certification in maintenance and general upkeep of premises
Welding Level 1 Pass'Sécurité
Welding Level 2 Pass'Sécurité
Technical Trainer Certification
DEMOCRAT certification: Detection, Evaluation and Operational Control of Radical, Social and Transgressive Behaviour
Certification of training providers for the protection of personal data
Certification as a referent for good treatment and prevention of the risk of abuse
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