Qualiopi certification for training and skills development organizations
What is Qualiopi certification ?
QUALIOPI compulsory starting 01/01/2022 * for OF, CBC & VAE
Quality certification (QUALIOPI) becomes compulsory from January 1st, 2022 * for vocational training and skills development providers.
2020 / 2021 : Anticipate the certification obligation
1er janvier 2022 : Mandatory for OF, CBC, VAE, C
Qualiopi is a quality certification brand for training and skills development service providers (training organizations). It is registered with the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property).
Its objective is to attest to the quality of the services provided (professional training, skills assessments, validation of prior experience, learning, etc.) under a single frame of reference. Qualiopi also aims to make the training offer easier to read for the public.
It is the Professional Future Law that made this unique quality certification compulsory, based on the National Quality framework, for all organizations providing training services. QUALIOPI will therefore replace the Datadock referencing system & the Quality Label for Training Actions which acted as “quality control” for OFs and which were recognized by CNEFOP.
Who should attend Qualiopi certification
Vocational training and skills development providers :
- Training organizations (OF)
- The Skills Assessment Centers (CBC)
- Bodies providing Validation of prior Experience (VAE)
- CFA (apprenticeship training centers) and apprenticeship centers
All providers who request public or pooled funding for vocational training are therefore concerned by this certification based on the national quality framework. This would represent around 48,000 training organizations.
The characteristics
Apave Certification: who are we?
Apave Certification is a recognized and independent certification body (third party) specialized in certification engineering.
Apave Certification relies on a network of qualified internal and external auditors, distributed throughout the national and international territory.
Apave Certification is involved in voluntary professional certifications as well as regulatory and mandatory certifications.
Apave Certification's services revolve around 5 major axes:
- Management systems
- Skill Certification
- Product Certification
- Services
- Labels / Evaluations
Apave Certification a QUALIOPI certification body accredited by COFRAC
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QUALIOPI quality certification can only be issued by certification bodies accredited by the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC). |
Apave Certification is accredited by COFRAC to deliver Qualiopi certification based on the National Quality Certification framework (RNCQ). Accreditation n ° 5-0587 - scope available on the website www.cofrac.fr. |
National Quality framework (RNQ): the regulatory context
- Decree n°2020-894 of July 22nd, 2020 on various measures in the field of vocational training
- * Ordinance No. 2020-387 of April 1st, 2020 relating to the postponement of one year following the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to cope with the economic, financial and social consequences of the spread of covid-19, the aforementioned law of September 5, 2018 is thus amended
- Decree n°2019-564 of June 6th, 2019 relating to the quality of vocational training actions.
- Decree n°2019-565 of June 6th, 2019 relating to the National framework on the quality of actions contributing to skills development (RNCQ / Qualiopi).
- Order of June 6th 2019 relating to the audit procedures associated with the national frameworks mentioned in Article D. 6316-1-1 of the Labor Code.
- Order of June 6th 2019 relating to the requirements for the accreditation of certification bodies mentioned in article R. 6316-3 of the Labor Code.
- Law n°2018-771 of September 5th, 2018 known as “Avenir Professionnel” (providing for the replacement of OPCAs by OPCAs from 01/01/2019)
- Guide to reading the national DGEFP quality certification framework (only in French version)
- Download the repository (only in French version)
- Regulations for the use of the Qualiopi brand (only in French version)
The benefits of Qualiopi certification
- Comply with new quality requirements in training
- Demonstrate your quality approach and give confidence to funders and user companies
- Access public and pool funds (OPCO, CPF)
- Set up a continuous improvement organization
- Sustain your activity
Steps and processes
QUALIOPI quality certification process: how to obtain your certification?
The stages of the new mandatory quality certification process for training organizations are structured around 3 major audits: the initial audit, the surveillance audit and the renewal audit.
Here is the detail of the certification process:
The preliminary stages of the initial audit
- Ask Apave Certification for your personalized quote to be audited.
- Plan your audit with your Apave Certification account manager.
- Preparation of the audit plan by the certification body. This plan will be communicated to you and will include, among other things, the scope of the audit, the names of the people who will be met as well as the relevant framework indicators.
Carrying out the initial audit at the premises of the applicant organization
The initial "Qualiopi" audit will take place on site and will be conducted by your Apave Certification auditor. To assess the quality of your actions, the auditor will use the QUALIOPI National Quality framework which includes 7 quality criteria divided into 32 indicators:
- 22 in common core which apply to all providers
- 10 specific to CFA / apprenticeship or to OF offering training courses leading to certification or not.
These indicators primarily concern the methods of designing and carrying out your services.
PS: if you are a training organization already labeled according to a quality standard recognized by the CNFOP and this certification is referenced by the CNEFOP (National Council for Employment, Training and Vocational Guidance), you can benefit from a reduction in the duration of the initial audit.
Transmission of the audit findings by Apave Certification to the applicant organization
If there is at least one major non-conformity, QUALIOPI quality certification cannot be issued immediately. Apave Certification guides you through the rest of the certification process.
Issue of QUALIOPI certification by the certification body
Once you are QUALIOPI certified, Apave Certification is responsible for sending the DGEFP (Organization of the General Delegation for Employment and Vocational Training) the list of certified organizations. The validity period of the Quality certification is 3 years.
PLEASE NOTE: Following the decree published on the 23rd of july 2020, Qualiopi certificates issued until December 31st, 2019, will be valid for 4 years instead of 3: “By way of derogation from the provisions of article R. 6316-2 of the same code, the certification mentioned in the first paragraph obtained before January 1st, 2021 is valid for four years.”
The organization is certified for each NDA (Declaration of Activity Number). A multi-site approach is allowed
Intermediate follow-up audit or remote surveillance audit
This surveillance audit takes place between the 14th and 22nd month after issuance of the “National Quality framework” or RNCQ QUALIOPI certificate.
It aims to verify that the quality framework for training and skills development organizations is still applied.
It is carried out remotely, unlike the initial audit of applicant organizations which is carried out on their premises, with some exceptions.
The renewal audit, taking place before the expiration of the 3 year quality certificate.
This renewal audit takes place again on site, at the premises of the applicant organization, and must be carried out before the expiration date of the quality certificate, which is valid for 3 years. A new quote will be drawn up for this audit. A new certificate is subsequently issued and takes effect the day after the expiration date of the previous certificate.
Apave Certification's strengths
Independent third party
Apave Certification is a recognized and independent certification body specialized in certification engineering.
Apave Certification works quickly, throughout France and internationally, and keeps deadlines under control.
Apave Certification relies on a large geographical network of qualified internal and external auditors, both nationally and internationally.
Apave Certification is a flexible structure with a customer-oriented approach, which is involved in both voluntary professional certifications and regulatory and mandatory certifications.
Apave Certification, a subsidiary of the Apave group, benefits from solid expertise based on extensive customer feedback over more than 150 years.
Recognitions and accreditations
Apave Certification holds numerous accreditations and recognitions, guaranteeing our quality and technical systems and proving our competence, know-how and independence.
Toolkits and useful links
Your questions
All providers who request public or pooled funding for vocational training are concerned by this certification based on the national quality benchmark. (Training organizations (OF) / Competence Assessment Centers (CBC) / Provider organizations for Validation of Acquired by Experience (VAE) / CFAs (Apprentice Training Centers) and learning centers)
Its objective is to attest to the quality of the actions of service providers (professional training, skills assessments, validation of prior experience, learning, etc.) under a single frame of reference. Qualiopi therefore also aims to make the training offer easier for the public to read.