Who are we?
Apave Certification is a recognised and independent body (third party) specialised in Certification engineering.
Apave Certification relays on a network of qualified internal and external auditors, all over France and internationally.
Apave Certification intervenes with voluntary certifications as well as with regulatory certifications.
Apave Certification's services revolve around 5 major areas:
What is Certification?
This is a demonstration, by an independent third party, that the specified requirements pertaining to a product, a process, a system or a person are complied with.
- There are voluntary certifications and regulatory certifications.
- The Certifying Body (CB) is in charge of evaluating and issuing the certificate that certifies compliance with a precise standard.
This is a vector of trust between 3 parties:
- Customers / users
- Suppliers / manufacturers
- Apave Certification
This is above all of lever for differentiation with regards to the competition.
Want to create your own standard or your own label?
It's entirely possible! Apave Certification also proposes a Certification Engineering service.
You will work with a specialist in the field in order to develop your project : Contact us